Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner new 4-22-07


Love Me, Love Me Not

Supplies: Psp, Scrap elements from acbleser-rainydaysun-addon by Amy Bleser or HERE, Plugin DSB Flux/Linear Transmission, Font of your choice [I use Eccentric Std] & Tube of your choice [both HERE], I use artwork ©Liuba Zelinskaya.

1.Open the scrap element[acbleser-rdsaddon-feltcircle] in your psp, duplicate and close original.
2.Open your tube, resized if needed, copy and paste as new layer over your circle.
3.Duplicate the layer tube, and in the first layer apply the filter, go to: Effects/Plugins/DSB Flux/Linear Transmission/Slice size 10/Offset 11/Blend 50/Horizontal, ok.
4.Change the blend mode for this layer to Burn, and low the opacity 78%.
5.Now move to your duplicate tube layer and add a drop shadow.
6.Open the scrap element [acbleser-rainydaysun-string-blue] resized as you like, and if you want to change the color like mine, go to: Adjust/Hue & Saturation/Colorize/Hue 15/Saturation 43, ok.
7.Open the other 3 elements [tag-button-star] resized as needed, arrange then in your tag as you like, add drop shadow.
8.Add your text/nick with a nice font, and place it over the tag, change the blend mode to Difference.
9.Don't forget to add your watermark and the ©info of your image.
10.Flatten all, and save your work.
Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on April 29 '08 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentally.

Sweet lambs
Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner 1 new 4-22-07