Supplies: PSP, Plugins: [MuRa's Filter Meister-Copies 1.3 & Cloud 22] HERE, My Diamonds Template & My ChubbyAttitude WordArt HERE, Font and Tube of your choice. I use artwork from ©Popeye Wong.
1.Open the Diamonds template in your Psp [duplicate and close the original]
2.Go to Image/Canvas Size and expand 600x600 center.
3.Go to Selections/Select All, back to Selections/Float, and Selections/Modify/Contract 2 pixels.
4.Open your tube [duplicate and close the original]
5.Pick 1 color from your tube [foreground]
6.Fill inside the selection with this color. Deselect.
7.Now apply the filter mmcloud, go to: Effects/Plugins/Mura's Meister/Cloud, you can play with the settings or just fallow mines.
8.Now back to filters: Effects/Plugins/Mura's Meister/Copies, you can play with the settings or just fallow mines.
9.Now copy your tube and paste as new layer.
10.Add a shadow v -7, h -14, opc 50, blur 10, color black.
11.Duplicate the tube layer, low the opc 40%, and arrange this down the original tube layer.
12.Apply winds, go to: Effects/Distortion Effects/ Winds, check one direction of your choice and the wind strength set to 50.
13.Add a new layer to place your text.
14.You can use my ChubbyAttitude WordArt or create your own.
15.Finally add you nick with a nice font, add your watermark, don't forget de proper info of your tube.
16.Merge visibles all your layers, crop the excess of your image, flatten all and export/save as .jpg format.
Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on February 16 '08 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentaly.