Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner new 4-22-07


Love ~n~ Rose

Love n Rose new 2-25-07

Supplies: Psp, Scraps I use in HERE [or use your owns] Brushes, Fonts [I use Rapscallion & Ekaterina] & Photography. I use artwork from ©Missindepindent.

1.Open in your Psp all the pieces of scraps you are going to use.
2.Open new canvas 600x600 transparent.
3.Activate the polaroid template [duplicate and close the original]
4.With your magic wand tool select the middle of the polaroid, and go to: SELECTIONS/MODIFY/EXPAND 4.
5.Copy the photo/image [of your choice] and paste into selection, go to: EDIT/PASTE/PASTE INTO SELECTION.
6.Add the ©Info of your image and merge, go to: LAYERS/MERGE/MERGE ALL [FLATTEN]
7.Copy this result and paste as new layer in your new canvas.
8.Play with the rest of your scraps [add all in separate layers]
9.Apply a drop shadow to each one, go to: EFFECTS/3D EFFECTS/DROP SHADOW with this settings: Vert & Horiz 0, Opac 60, Blur 5, color black.
10.You can add brushes or just anothers accents.
11.With your text tool write your nick with a nice font, and add the same drop shadow before.
12.Add your watemark, crop the excess of your image, and flatten all layers.
13.Finally save your work, and that's all!.

Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on Feb. 25 '07 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.
Sweet lambs
Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner 1 new 4-22-07