Supplies: Psp, Alpha Blue Jackpot HERE, from ©Scrappy Expressions, Masks and Hearts HERE, Font & Tube of your choice. I use artwork from ©Anthony Aguinaldo.
1.Open a new canvas in psp 600x600, transparent.
2.Open your tube and pick a dark color.
3.Fill the canvas with the dark color.
4.Apply the mask [SAVMASK2], LAYERS/LOAD/SAVE MASK/LOAD MASK FROM DISK, with this settings:
6.In the same layer apply now the mask [99MASKKELSWWA] with the same settings before.
7.Merge group again, you will have something like this:
8.Now apply a drop shadow, EFFECTS/3D EFFECTS/DROP SHADOW: Vert & Horiz 0, Opac 50, Blur 5, Color Black.
9.Copy your tube and paste in the new layer on your canvas [resize if is needed], move your tube to the left side, and apply a drop shadow: Vert & Horiz 2, Opac 60, Blur 7, Color Black, now apply the drop shadow again but change the V & H -2.
10.Open the alpha [Blue Jackpot] and take the first letter of you nickname, you can adjust the colors.
11.Move the letter to the rigth side, apply the same drop shadow you use in step 8.
12.Add a new layer, pick a dark color of your alpha letter for the background and foreground white, open a nice script font [size 48] and write the rest of your nick.
13.Rotate the text, IMAGE/ROTATE/FREE ROTATE:
14.Arrange this text over the alpha letter and apply a drop shadow [step 8]
15.Got to: SELECTIONS/SELECT NONE, and you will see something like this:
16.Add the little Hearts to your image or just another element you like.
17.Don't forget to add the ©Info of your tube, and your watermark.
18.Finally crop the excess of your canvas, and go to: LAYERS/MERGE/MERGE ALL [FLATTEN]
19.Save your work and that's all.
Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on Feb. 17 '07 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentaly.