Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner new 4-22-07



Xperimental new 4-29-07

Supplies: Psp, Font, Preset Shape [of your choice] PlugIn VM Experimental. Tube, I use artwork from ©Popeye Wong
1.Open a new canvas 600x600 transparent in Psp.
2.Open your tube [duplicate & close original]
3.Pic from your tube 2 colors and set the Material Pallete [dark for foreground and light for background.
4.Active the Preset shapes tool select one and settings like this: line style Dash Dot Dot, check anti-alias, width 2:

Preset shape settings

5.Draw the shape in your canvas.
6.Apply shadow: Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow: vert -4, horz -1, opc 50, blur 5, black:


7.Active the Magic Wand tool and select inside of the light colors.
8.Now go to: Layers/Promote selection to layer.
9.Arrange this send to bottom.
10.Do not Deselect.
11.Apply the Plugin VM Esperiamental/Needles and Pins:

filtro needles and pins

-Play with the settings or use default.
12.Deselect, and go to: Effects/Texture Effects/Mosaic Antique:

mosaico antiguo

Mosaic antique settings

13.Low the opacity to this layer to 75%.
14.Now step in your shape layer active your magic wand tool and select again inside of the light color.
15.Apply the plugin VM Experimental/Guess What?:

filtro guess what

-Play with the settings or use default.
16.Do not deselect, and back to plugins VM Experimental/Love and Hate with this settings:

filtro love hate


18.Copy your tube and paste a new layer, resize if is needed.
19.Apply the same shadow before.
20.Add your nick with a nice font and your watermark.
21.Don't forget to add the ©info of your tube.
22.Merge layers visibles, crop the excess of your image.
23.Flatten all and save your work.
Here is another example. I use artwork from ©Sunzhine.

Xperimental Splat new 4-29-07

Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on April. 29 '07 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentaly.
Sweet lambs
Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner 1 new 4-22-07