Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner new 4-22-07



Diva by AngieCorcel

Supplies: PSP, Plugin Fantasma, WordArt Diva, Licence Plate, Microphone tube, Font Tiza, Tube of your choice, I use artwork from ©Popeye Wong..

Download my supplies HERE.

1.Open a new canvas 600x600 transparent in Psp.
2.Open your tube [duplicate and close original]
3.Copy the tube and paste as new layer in your canvas, resize your tube 75% if exceed the 600px height, low the opacity 75%.
4.Apply the Fantasma filter: go to: Effects/Plugins/Italian Editors Effect/Fantasma/41.

1Fantasma 2Fantasma
5.Now duplicate this layer, and go to: Image/Mirror.
6.Pick 2 colors for the materials palette [mines: foreground #404040 and background #808080]
7.Active your Preset shape tool and pick one of your choice, line solid, width 10, and draw the shape in your canvas in a new layer.
8.Apply Effects/Texture Effects/Sculpture: pattern Smoke, size 100, smoothnes 0, depth 1, ambience 0, shininess 0, color white, angle 315, intensity 50 elevation 30.



9.Add shadow: v -1, h 4, opc 50, blur 5, color black.

10.Open the wordart Diva, resize as needed, copy and paste as new layer in your canvas, add same shadow before.
11.Copy your tube again and paste as new layer in your canvas, resize this one too.
12.Apply the same shadow but ckeck the box "Shadow on new layer".
13.Step in the raster shadow unlink this untill you get none on it, and repeat the same with the tube layer.



14.Move tha shadow silouette to the left side of your tube.
15.Add same drop shadow before to your tube, but at this time uncheck the box "Shadow on new layer".
16.Finally add your nick with the Tiza font, change the blend mode to Dissolve in the layer.
17.Add the microphone tube, and don't forget your watermark and the info of your tube.
18.Merge layers visible, crop the excess of your image and flatten all, save/export as .jpg format.

Diva by AngieCorcel

Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on February. 27 '08 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentaly.

Sweet lambs
Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner 1 new 4-22-07