Supplies: Psp, Font Facelift HERE & French Script Mt HERE, Tube Patrics Hat by me HERE, Tube Patrics Base Template by me HERE, Plugin Eye Candy 4 HERE, I use artwork from ©Creddy.
1.Open the suplies in your Psp.
2.Active the image Patrics Base Template, duplicate and close the original.
3.Active now the Tube Patrics Hat and go to: EDIT/COPY.
4.Back to your base and go to: EDIT/PASTE AS NEW LAYER [resize if is needed]
5.Go to: EFFECTS/PLUGiNS/EYE CANDY 4/GRADIENT GLOW with this settings:
6.Go back again to: EFFECTS/PLUGiNS/EYE CANDY 4/GRADIENT GLOW with this settings:
7.Now go to: EFFECTS/3D DROP SHADOW with this settings: Vert & Horiz 0, Opac 70, Blur 7, Color Black.
8.Now active your Creddy tube and go to: EDIT/COPY.
9.Back to your base and go to: EDIT/PASTE AS NEW LAYER [resize if is needed]
10.Repeat in this tube the steps 5-6-7.
11.Now add a new layer and write the text "Today is... My Lucky Day.!" [use 2 fonts] [foreground #023906 & background #276F32]
11.Now add a new layer and write the text "Today is... My Lucky Day.!" [use 2 fonts] [foreground #023906 & background #276F32]
2.Add to your text the steps 5-6-7, you will have some like this:
13.Add your nickname in a new layer with the Facelift font, and go to: IMAGE/ROTATE/FREE ROTATE/90º LEFT.
14.Move your text inside the hat and change the blend mode in the layer palette to [BURN]
15.Don't forget to add your watermark and the ©Info of your image.
16.Finally go to Layers/Merge/Merge All [flatten]
16.Finally go to Layers/Merge/Merge All [flatten]
17.Save your work, and that's all!
Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on March. 17 '07 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentaly.