Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner new 4-22-07


Vector Text

Vector TitleVector Title curve

I will try to explain my way to create curve text.
We will making the text wrap around a circle [inside or outside]

1.Open a new canvas 400x400 in psp, white background.

2.Active the Preset Shape Tool with this settings:

Preset shape toolVector settings

3.Draw a circle whatever size you want.

4.Leave room around it for your text though.

5.I will show you with captures the mode to draw your circle shape and the results of your curve text.

6.At the time you have your vector shape in your canvas, active the text tool [color and font of your choice] and position your cursor over the circle.

a)Start drawing your circle from #1 point and finish in #3 point:

Vector circle 1

b)You will be able to Type your text when you move the cursor over the circle line and this change into an A over a semicircle A point.

Vector circle A point 1

c)Your text will look like in this position [inside]

Vector circle text inside rigth bottom 1

d)If you change the way to draw your circle, your text will be change the position:

Vector circle 2

e)Type your text when you move the cursor over the circle line and this change into an A point. Your text will look like in this position [outside]

Vector circle text outside rigth bottom 2

f)Here is the last option to get your curve text:

Vector circle 3Vector circle A point 3

Vector circle text outside left top 3

7.Finally here is my text, in all the ways I show you in the previous steps:

Vector sweetandsassaycorcel

8.I apply some effects [eye candy 4/gradient glow and drop shadow] to my text and I add a tube artwork from ©Chester Ocampo.

Vector new 4-21-07

Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on April. 21 '07 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentaly.


Sweet lambs
Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner 1 new 4-22-07