Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner new 4-22-07


Home is Where the Heart is

Home is Where the Heart is by AngieCorcel '08

Supplies: PSP, Font Typewriter Old Style, Stick frame w/scrap elements & wordart HERE, Eiffel stamp and tube HERE, I use artwork from ©Liuba Zelinskaya, Plugin Eye Candy 4/Gradient Glow optional HERE.

1.Open the Stick frame in your Psp, duplicate and close the original.
2.Expand the tag, Image/Canvas Size/600x600/center.
3.Now open the Eiffel stamp, copy.
4.Move to the frame canvas, and step in the bottom layer [inside grey].
5.Active your Magic Wand tool and click in the grey square.
6.Add a new layer and go to: Edit/Paste Into Selection.
7.Do not deselect yet, change the blend mode to this layer to Luminance(L).
8.Copy your tube and back to your frame selection, Edit/Paste as New layer.
9.Active your Move tool Home is Where the Heart is by AngieCorcel '08 and place the face of your tube in the middle of your frame:

Home is Where the Heart is by AngieCorcel '08

10.Go to Selections/Invert and hit delete in your keyboard.
11.Then Deselect and change the blend mode to Soft Light.
12.Now paste your tube again as new layer, add Drop Shadow, and arrange the tube to top.
13.Add a new layer and active your text tool, font typewriter, size 48, foreground white, bakground black.
14.Type your nick, deselect, active your Deform tool and rotate the name pararell to the stick at the bottom, arrange this layer to bottom.
15.Add Drop Shadow, V -1, H 1, OPC 50, BLUR 5. OK.
16.Finally this is opcional, add the Gradient Glow to the word art [Home is where the heart is]
17.Go to Effect/Plugins/Eye Candy 4/Grdient Glow/Basic: glow 3 pixels, soft corners 25%, overall opc 100%. Color: Fat, opc 99%, ADD.

Home is Where the Heart is by AngieCorcel '08

17.Add the same shadow before, add your watermark and the ©Info of your image, merge layers visible, crop the excess of your canvas, flatten all and export/save.

Them Done!, thanks and I hope you've enjoyed! Tutorial write on May 10 '08 by AngieCorcel. This tutorial is my own creativity, any resemblance to any other is purely coincidentally.
Sweet lambs
Sweet n Sassy Corcel Banner 1 new 4-22-07